The revolutionary MeltLab System was conceived in 1990 as a replacement for the crude thermal analysis systems of the time. Since then, it has gone though multiple revisions and upgrades, always staying above the industry’s standard. MeltLab is able to run on the most modern of computer technology, giving it immense processing power, networking capabilities and the flexibility to be adapted for new alloys.
The different levels of MeltLab are: Simple Basic, Basic, Advanced, and Expert. Each level offers more options to best meet your needs in your Thermal Analysis.

Since MeltLab is able to run on any computer, it is entirely up to our users as to which brand or type with which they are most comfortable; we do not want to introduce a different brand into your company that your IT people cannot support. We currently recommend Win10 Professional as the best operating system with 8 gigs of memory and 100+ gig of disk storage. A local network connection is useful for sharing data with others in the foundry. For Technical support, we use TeamViewer to troubleshoot any issues or support you may need. You will not need to purchase TeamViewer as we hold a master license for supporting our clients!
The difference between MeltLab and other systems available can be seen in our warranty. We offer a 10 year warranty on our systems, while our competitors only offer 12 month warranties. Our quality and precision surpasses other systems, and that is reflected in our warranty. It actually has an expected mean time between failure of 15 years.
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